I have learned vast amounts from this coaching process with Ilze, almost every part of my life have experienced some degree of improvement. This process helps me to be less of a situational result and more of a designed outcome. By understanding the effect a person have on the surrounding people and environment; one can start changing the personal behaviours to positively influence one’s future. In the same sense the understanding of other people and their situations is also improved.  I have also learned some basic psychological principals which help me understand the people, culture and country around me on a higher level and how these things interact. I believe that this learning will have a positive effect throughout my lifetime.

Thank you        
MI Botha
Operations Director Aveng Mining Group

I have been working with Ilze de Leeuw since 2009, in three different businesses. Ilze’s coaching methodology and insights profiling has been instrumental in building my high performance teams, selecting the right people for the right jobs, restructuring and filling skills gaps. Her approach is pragmatic and easy to implement. She is able to work with difficult team dynamics because she is trustworthy, discreet and highly ethical. I consider her as a lifelong mentor and friend."

Sebastie Badenhorst
Sales director


"It is incredible that such a small woman, can make such a big difference" - Alica de Wet - GWK 2018

"Ilze is a great coach and I am grateful that I could spend a year of my life sharing my dreams and frustrations with Ilze and developing a strategy and plan for my future." Juri Loots - Pioneer Foods 2019 

"In my opinion this process can only be truly successful if the proper ‘Coach’ is selected. I was lucky enough to get introduced to Ilze first time around. Every person will have a different mind-set, different goals and different emotions towards the process. Various people I know and work with have been ‘Coached’ by Ilze and I can safely say that we are all very different from one another. The result however has been the same, and this is testimony to Ilze’s ability to adapt to the ‘client’s’ personality in order to achieve the best results.

Ilze has a warm heart and a sparkling personality and pays a lot of attention to what you say and how you say it, thus picking up on issues that might otherwise have been overlooked. She is also very caring and easy to talk to. Some of the most valuable nuggets of wisdom came from casual conversations between Ilze and myself which would then lead to something deeper and more serious. She can subtly steer a conversation into a direction where you will be able to pull some value from it, and almost never misses the opportunity to do so.     

Ilze uses keen intuition to probe into areas of your mind that are normally only reserved for your own thoughts, and somehow does so without being intrusive.  It is clear that she is passionate about what she does since she will typically be just as excited as the ‘client’ when a breakthrough is made.   This process is possibly the most valuable ‘real world’ learning experience that I have undergone so far, and I will definitely keep delving deeper into these concepts long after this particular process has come to an end." - Stadler van Vuuren 2014 - Cemenation Americas