The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thinking

                                                         TIME TO CHANGE

It is inevitable - change. 

Throughout your life, there will be many different chapters, cycles, and events that mark your life and set it into a time for introspection and change. Time to strategize and plot the next chapter, reinvent, revive, and energize your life.

For those who fear change and are not brave enough to do the work required, stagnation, low energy, and generally a life filled with dull pain.

Time to change is a seven-day program designed to deal with burnout, divorce, career change, relationship issues, or personal challenges, for anyone at a crossroads in their lives.

To use an analogy, the program is similar to taking your car in for a service. What we do together is lift the hood and have a look inside.

 See what parts are old and outdated—beliefs, assumptions, habits, and mental models—and replace them with new, current parts. 

We check alignment, rhythm, behavior, and together design a new life strategy with a purpose for being.This is a life-changing program and a time you owe to yourself.

The adage holds true: If you want to see the future, look what you are doing and saying today.  

Taking the time to plot your life, discarding that which holds you back, is crucial to where you end up. If you do not have a roadmap and destination, you will end up somewhere, but it most likely is not where you would like to be.

During the TIME TO CHANGE PROGRAMME your whole life will be holistically examined. The program includes the physical aspect as well as the cognitive. Ilze partners with a medical doctor specializing in Integrative health to offer a holistic package.

What you can expect: 

1.       Four weeks before the program, you will do an online health assessment and blood tests. These will be analyzed by              Dr. Jon Morley with an online consultation to follow. He will assess your medication, diet, and lifestyle and make                    bespoke recommendations.

2.       You will be required to limit your sugar and alcohol intake from three weeks prior to the program. 

3.      ​You will do an Insights Discovery personality test online before your arrival, which will be utilized during the program.

4.       Sunday - You will arrive at a beautiful location that is geared for privacy, tranquility, and space to be the holding                    space where you can relax and immerse yourself in the program.

5.       Five days of analysing, processing and crafting your life. 

          a.       The day starts with a stretching session which in turn creates internal space for quality thinking. 

          b.      From 8:30 to 13:00 discovery workshop 

          c.       13:00 to 14:00 lunch and focussing on establishing a healthy meal habit. 

          d.      14:00 to 15:00 day consolidation 

          e.      15:00 -17:00 free time to relax and process. Activities such as hiking, cycling, beach, massage is recommended                        but not compulsory 

          f.        17:00 to 18:00 Journaling time 

          g.       18:00 dinner 

          h.      Relax. 

6.       Saturday, morning wrap up and time to return home.

Post programme:​Medical follow-up sessions will be administered by Dr. Morley and online progress checks will be facilitated.

The cost of the program differs according to location. Our main base is in Plettenberg Bay, but we also run weeks in Cape Town. The accommodation-inclusive program is from 3 700 €, 3 170 £, or R75 000. If you wish to secure your own accommodation, please contact me for a quote.

Looking forward to meeting you!